Hi Tim, thanks for your interest in investigating collaborating with 

--- In openhealth@yahoogroups.com, Tim Churches <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> NetEpi Analysis was designed to deal with the types of data and 
> which you mention - for example, apart from supporting complex
> cross-tabs (with good support for proportions), basic contingency 
> analysis and standard statistical charts (again with confidence 
> it also does direct and indirectly age-standardised population-
> rates (with confidence intervals), and we hope to shortly add 
> for log-linear (Poisson and negative-binomial) models for 
> as well as possibly Bayesian smoothing of rates. And it works 
> enough for interactive, real-time analysis even with many millions 
> records, and the underlying architecture deals well with the sort 
> multi-level data you describe eg it supports multi-valued records. 
> it has full support for missing data handling. Oh, and it also does
> Google-style indexed searching or free text fields. However, a 
> downside is that it only accepts batch loads of data at the moment,
> without incremental updates (although many data sources can be 
> into one dataset, but they all have to be loaded in one go). That's
> something we also plan to fix as soon as possible, but unless you 
> many tens millions of records , periodic batch loading works OK 
(and is
> simpler to set up and maintain than incremental updates, which can 
> surprisingly tricky and fragile). But it does support dataset
> versioning, so that the latest version of source data can be 
loaded into
> a new dataset in the background while users continue to use an 
> dataset, and when the new load has completely it is transparently 
> for all new analysis sessions. Of course, there are still plenty of
> rough edges and gaps, but it might be a good start, or a partial
> solution. 

Thanks for this overview.  There are so many layers to this whole 
data analysis aspect of medical record repositories.  Thinking from 
left to right, there's the whole set of challenges around 
converting "stacked" database models (where there's one row per 
clinical observation) to the typical "flat" models, where the 
columns of a table are the observations, and each row is some higher 
level of measurement (ie, encounter, patient, etc).  We're working 
quite hard on tools to go from our stacked OpenMRS data repository 
to flat data exports for analysis purposes.  To generate the rows, 
we're developing a cohort builder which allows users to 
interactively look at patient/encounter counts for given clinical 
measurements, and in an OVID style, provide an interface to and/or 
them together to arrive at your final cohort.  If you'd like to see 
this in a demonstration, let me know and I can pass some 
instructions.  To generate the columns, we're developing a tool to 
select the observations of interest, and apply aggregations and/or 
rules to them (IE, last 4 hemoglobins where they occured in the past 

Once you have the data exported, there's the whole issue of what 
interfaces do you support to various analysis software packages.  I 
think the OpenMRS group is fully in support of letting a thousand 
flowers bloom.  As we @ Regenstrief are directly serving a large set 
of clinical sites in Western Kenya, we have to have a solution for 
our own backyard, and so the one we're investigating at this point 
is BIRT.  That being said, we'd love to have a variety of choices, 
and perhaps NetEpi Analysis could be another one.  We'd gladly 
advertise and document ways in which these softwares could work 

>Fairly easy to write hard-coded interfaces to OpenMRS, I
> suspect, either in PHP or Python or both, although a generic 
> would be harder, but possible - maybe a few weeks work. It can 
> load data directly from a database back-end, although some queries 
> flatten the data appropriately might be needed. Further processing 
> data transformation can be done in Python as the data are loaded. 

Tim, perhaps I don't understand the scope of your software, but does 
NetEpi analysis generate OLAP cubes or views on the fly as well as 
provide the interface for report generation?

> you can use it via the Web front-end, no programming, or via its 
> Python API, which is simple enough for interactive command-line 
> as well as for calling from other things.

I'd like to sick Justin Miranda, the developer currently leading up 
our reporting efforts, on top of what your team has done.  Would you 
mind me passing some contact information along to him?
> Yes. Actually, we don't support messaging in NetEpi, yet, but no 
> why it can't. No, that's wrong, one of our application, for real-
> ED-based public health surveillance, does use HL7 messaging and 
the data
> is fed into NetEpi Analysis. We do have some very insistent calls 
> interoperabilty, but they are for interoperabilty with paper-based 
> collection forms: people want to be able to scan in and optical 
> read or OCR hand-written paper forms. I think OpenMRS uses 
SharePoint or
> perhaps Adobe Acrobat forms for this? Do they support scanning? 

It's interesting that you bring this up.  Prior to my work on 
OpenMRS, I led up an effort to build a decision support system, that 
actually uses paper as it's transaction device.  We built a system 
with Arden Syntax as it's rule base, and integrated that framework 
with Cardiff Teleforms to generate what I call "Adaptive Turnaround 
Documents".  The system that implements this technology is called 
CHICA (Child Health Improvement through Computer Automation).  It 
just so happens that b/c I lead up technical development of both 
these projects, I'm in a good position to merge them together.  So 
in fact, we're actively working on merging the work we've done on 
CHICA to live on top of OpenMRS.  Stay tuned, likely within the next 
12 or so months, we'll have full Adaptive Turnaround Document 
technology on top of OpenMRS.  Once again, I'm happy to share more 
information with you if you'd like (I've written multiple papers on 
OCR technology for AMIA symposiums in the past).  My guess is that 
there will be a lot of interest in such a feature set within the 
developing world as well.

> what our users want. Naturally we are not very enthusiastic about
> providing such facilities, not the least because there are few open
> source optical character recognition packages which can be readily 
> (yes, IBM released one a while ago, but it takes a lot to use it), 
> also, form scanning just doesn't work as well in practice as people
> think it should, I've found in the past. Perhaps it works better 
these days.

Hah.  Well, I'd challenge anyone to find a more fully featured suite 
than Teleforms.  It's relatively expensive, but we've worked really 
hard at compartmentalizing what we "expect" of Teleforms, such that 
if an open source competitor came along that provided similar 
functionalities, that we could easily make that switch.  Once again, 
let a thousand flowers bloom.  No reason why OpenMRS couldn't have a 
Teleforms module and the "super FOSS OCR" module when that becomes 
available. :)


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