The relevant thread on the QEMU forum indicates that patches posted 
January 16 were found to be infected on February 14 and cleaned up that 
same day.

K.S. Bhaskar wrote:
> Quoting from the home page of QEMU for Windows 
> (
> The USB filter driver was found to be infected.(2007/02/15)
> Please check your computer if you installed the program.
> If you downloaded and Qemu for Windows prior to February 15, 2007, 
> please check your computer and make sure that you have the latest 
> software.  If you don't have an up to date anti-virus scanner, ClamWin 
> ( is well regarded and available under the GPL.
> Note that neither the VA VistA Demo Toaster nor the VistA Office EHR 
> Toaster as distributed use USB drives.

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