
I've not posted to this forum in some long time. FreeMED has been a
viable project since 1999. This year we are preparing the release of
0.9.0, a major upgrade from our current operating 0.8.4   

FreeMED is a web based practice management, medical and electronic
medical record. We are approaching CCHIT certification with this
release and have many features including language agility (we
currently offer FreeMED in 6 languages, several others are in process,
document management, dicom image exchange, e-prescribing, and many

If you are interested, there is a demo available through the website
( Current downloads only include 0.8.4 but
for those interested in a vital and working project, we welcome your
help updating and broadening FreeMED. 

We do offer, through commercial support vendors, support contracts
ranging from setup through complete helpdesking. FreeMED is supported
by the FreeMED Software Foundation a US not-for-profit corporation
(501(c)(3)) based in Connecticut. Our Board of Trustees is physician

Feel free to contact the Foundation through the website or me, the 
director at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  FreeMED is GPL,

Irving J. Buchbinder, DPM, DAPBS
  Director, FreeMED Software Foundation, INC
  -= Technology Advances, People stay the same=-  "Leigh Rubin"

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