The first draft of the living, evolving, agenda for the 16th VistA
Community Meeting, January 10-13, Midland, Texas is now available.
Yes, it is v-e-r-y rough and needs a lot of work, but we will be
updating it frequently.  Venue and hotel information will hopefully be
posted once they are finalized in the next few days, as will the
registration page.  Owing to the fact that we had to scramble to find
this second location, things are not as far along as we like them to
be, but we are busy moving them along to catch up.

You can go to and click on the "More information
here" link at the bottom of the page, or you can go directly to

Please send comments to me, or to Peter Bodtke (pbodtke at worldvista
dot org).  I look forward to seeing you in Midland.

-- Bhaskar

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