

*WorldVistA EHRTM VOE/ 1.0 Available
Open Source EHR*

January 31, 2008 - WorldVistA announces the release and availability of
WorldVistA EHR VOE/ 1.0, the only open source EHR that meets
Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT)
ambulatory electronic health record (EHR) criteria for 2006.  WorldVistA
EHR VOE/ 1.0 is based on and compatible with the U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) world renowned EHR, VistA®.

The foundation for WorldVistA EHR was developed as part of the
VistA-Office EHR (VOE) project, a collaborative effort funded by the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The overall goal of the
project was to encourage the broader adoption and effective use of EHRs
among physicians by making an affordable, robust, proven EHR solution
alternative available.

After completion of the VOE project, WorldVistA made additional
enhancements and successfully submitted WorldVistA EHR for certification
by CCHIT. As a CCHIT Certified product, WorldVistA EHR VOE/ 1.0 has been
tested and passed inspection of 100 percent of a set of criteria for
functionality (ability to create and manage electronic records for all
patients, as well as automating workflow in a physician's office),
interoperability (a first step in the ability to receive and send
electronic data to other entities such as laboratories), and security
(ability to keep patients' information safe).

WorldVistA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is
furthering the cause of affordable healthcare information technology
worldwide by advocating, championing, and employing the open source
paradigm to expand the use and collaborative improvement of the VistA
electronic health record. WorldVistA seeks to facilitate and enable
global adoption of VistA solutions thorough technology transfer,
education and training services. WorldVistA manages and supports the
open, collaborative, peer reviewed development and enhancement of VistA
and WorldVistA EHR. WorldVistA EHR is licensed under the GNU General
Public License (GPL).

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For more information about WorldVistA EHR, or to schedule an interview:

Primary Contact: Joseph Dal Molin, VP Business Development
Tel.: (416) 232-1206
Contact: Maury Pepper, Chair
Tel.: (314) 540-7815


Details on WorldVistA EHR and download URL:

WorldVistA EHR VOE/ 1.0 and CCHIT certification:

GNU General Public License:

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