I'm looking for publications that I can cite for the commonly held
assertions below for the AMIA Open Source working group Open Source
white paper. If you know of a publication I can cite for the
assertions below, please let me know:

1) Millions and in the case of the Veterans Affairs VistA software
billions of dollars have been invested in FOSS EHR/EMR and
2) Many FOSS in medicine developers are employed full-time, have years
of experience and are leaders in the profession.
3) FOSS software can be run on proprietary systems and vice-versa.
4) FOSS code is available and subject to intense scrutiny by security
experts, security problems are often found and fixed before they
become problems.
5) Different versions of the same software can exist simultaneously
but generally does not.
6) FOSS advocates believe very strongly in intellectual property
rights and aim to protect them using appropriate licenses based on
international copyright law. The major difference is that FOSS
licenses seek to safeguard important rights, while proprietary
software seeks to take rights away.
7) Billions of clinical encounter records are already computerized
with the VA system. Millions of other records are computerized with
FOSS software such as ClearHealth.

-- IV

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