Howdy, let me cut and paste a response I left on LinuxMedNews yesterday:

A bit of clarification regarding AllscriptsMisys: Last year Misys plc
purchased a little more than half of Allscripts. During the
acquisition, the Misys healthcare vertical merged with Allscripts to
create the NewCo - traded on the NASDAQ as AllscriptsMisys, branded as
Allscripts. Misys plc remains a separate entity, albeit majority
shareholder of AllscriptsMisys. Within Misys plc there is an Open
Source Solutions division (/me waves), headed up by Tim Elwell, VP of
the healthcare division. We are not only cocreating FOSS, but
utilizing existing FOSS to satisfy customer needs.

Misys Open Source Solutions(MOSS) currently sponsors two projects on
Sourceforge: Braid, the IHE client libraries that you received at
SCALE last year, and OpenPIXPDQ, a full implementation of the PIX/PDQ
profile. OpenPIXPDQ will be at the Connectathon in February, after
which we will be moving the project to the Open Health Tools forge.

In a December press release MOSS announced that it will be continuing
to implement the server side components of the IHE profiles under the
auspices of Open Health Tools and with the help of work being produced
by the California Health Care Foundation (thanks Odysseus!). OpenXDS
is next on our roadmap.

We're looking forward to your downloads, questions, bug reports ...


To be clear, the full Connect product has not been released to open
source, this product continues to be maintained and owned by Misys. As
noted above, since we released the IHE client libraries, we have been
working toward the development of the server side components.


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