Roland Dreier wrote:
> By the way, can anyone explain the following to me (an IPv6 rookie):
>     # ping6 -I ib0 fe80::202:c901:78c:e461
>     PING fe80::202:c901:78c:e461(fe80::202:c901:78c:e461) from 
> fe80::202:c901:7fc:c711 ib0: 56 data bytes
>     64 bytes from fe80::202:c901:78c:e461: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=32.2 ms
>     64 bytes from fe80::202:c901:78c:e461: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=14.7 ms
>     64 bytes from fe80::202:c901:78c:e461: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=14.6 ms
>     --- fe80::202:c901:78c:e461 ping statistics ---
>     3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms
>     rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.682/20.557/32.274/8.286 ms
>     # ping6 fe80::202:c901:78c:e461
>     connect: Invalid argument
>     # ssh -6 fe80::202:c901:78c:e461
>     ssh: connect to host fe80::202:c901:78c:e461 port 22: Invalid argument
> ssh works fine if I assign non-autoconfig'ed addresses.
Allright, so looking further more now I can get ssh  working, the sytax
is very peculiar for linux

sins-stinger-04:/etc/ssh # uname -a
Linux sins-stinger-04 2.6.9 #5 SMP Thu Nov 11 12:54:00 PST 2004 x86_64
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

sins-stinger-04:/etc/ssh # ssh fe80::209:3dff:fe00:4766%eth1
The authenticity of host 'fe80::209:3dff:fe00:4766%eth1
(fe80::209:3dff:fe00:4766%eth1)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ce:f5:ea:82:2a:42:a2:f9:e0:01:ba:ef:63:3c:cb:2a.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'fe80::209:3dff:fe00:4766%eth1' (RSA) to the
list of known hosts.

Last login: Thu Nov 11 17:15:01 2004 from
sins-stinger-8:~ # uname -a
Linux sins-stinger-8 2.6.9 #9 SMP Wed Nov 10 09:42:29 PST 2004 x86_64
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
sins-stinger-8:~ #

Based on some googling I found that for linux, since Link Local
addresses are not routable, you need to provide the scope (by specifying
an outgoing interface) to ssh in linux. This is very different from
Solaris implementation where it still derives the scope of link local
address and thereby its outgoing interface too. Does that sounds okay ?


> Ethernet behaves the same way so I don't think it's something to do
> with the IPoIB driver, but I would like to understand it better (if
> only for my own edification).
> Thanks,
>   Roland
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