It looks to me like the MGIDs for IPv6 are only getting the low 32 bits
of the address rather than 80 bits.

    |   8    |  4 |  4 |     16 bits     | 16 bits |      80 bits      |
    +------ -+----+----+-----------------+---------+-------------------+
    |11111111|0001|scop|<IPoIB signature>|< P_Key >|      group ID     |

Local interface address:
inet6 addr: fe80::208:f104:396:71/64 Scope:Link

MGID is displayed as 
MGID ff12:601b:ffff:0:0:1:ff96:71
(Haven't looked on the IB wire yet).

IPv6 comes up in IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling mode but I don't think this should
affect the MGID used.

I have the latest bits (and patches) installed.

-- Hal

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