FYI.....The specification can be found at:

Use of this new interface will enable Sockets based applications to fully exploit the performance of RDMA interconnects through the SDP wire protocol.   This API also provides explicit memory management taking some of the guesswork out of this thorny problem which can result in some performance loss and implementation complexity within the SDP layer.


Extended Sockets API (ES-API), Issue 1.0

The Extended Sockets API (ES-API) Technical Standard provides extensions to the traditional socket API to support improved efficiency in network programming. The ES-API includes: synchronous IO and control operations on sockets; event queue-based management of asynchronous operations; and pre-registering of memory regions that will be the subject of IO operations. These facilities are intended to support: improved efficiency when dealing with high numbers of socket file descriptors; 'zero-copy' transmit and receive operations; and improved buffer management. The ES-API also includes routines that provide asynchronous IO and control operations, asynchronous operation management, and memory registration functions for applications manipulating sockets.

Bibliographic Details

Consortium Specifications

Catalog number C050
ISBN 1931624526
Jan 2005

OO. 72 pages.

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