Hal> I'm not sure I get the "connection" between the CM path and
    Hal> data path.  Doesn't failover and APM apply only to the data
    Hal> path ? Is it purely the detected of a failed path between CMs
    Hal> (which seems orthogonal to this to me) ? That's not to say
    Hal> that this is not an issue.

It is orthogonal in a sense, but consider something like the
following.  I set up a connection with a primary path and a secondary
path, using the same primary path for CM communication.  Some time
later the primary path fails, so APM causes the connection to migrate
to the secondary path.  I get a "path migrated" async event and so I
want to set up a new secondary path so that my connection remains
resilient.   Where do I send the LAP?

 - R.

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