On Tue, 31 May 2005, Hal Rosenstock wrote:

On Tue, 2005-05-31 at 14:17, James Lentini wrote:
Here's the specification's exact description:

  timeout: Duration of time, in microseconds, that a consumer waits for
           connection establishment. The value of DAT_TIMEOUT_INFINITE
           represents no timeout, indefinite wait. Values must be

My perspective is that we are not implementing this API for a real time operating system and therefore should take a fuzzy view of time.

Fuzzy in that we are certainly not concerned with the granularity of microseconds.

My interpretation of the definition above is that a provider should attempt to establish a connection for a least [timeout] time.

So any number of retries is allowed up to the time period specified (depending on the timeout used) ?

Correct, any number of retries (including 0) is allowed. Once the time period expires, the provider should post a result as quickly as possible.

If a connection is not established after attempting for at least [timeout] time, the provider should should give up and post a connection failure event. If there is some reasonable additional time needed for address resolution, etc., I think that is acceptable.

This all can be bundled in. One just needs to know what the requirement is.

If we included address resolution, how would we divide up the time between address resolution and cm protocol? Wouldn't we have to track how long address resolution took to complete?

-- Hal


On Tue, 31 May 2005, Hal Rosenstock wrote:

On Tue, 2005-05-31 at 13:27, James Lentini wrote:
James, what is the timeout value passed into dapl_ep_connect mean, the
total timeout time?  Or how much for each retry?

It is the total timeout value.

Total meaning all everything inclusive ? If that is what it is supposed
to be, that is not what is implemented now:


There are also the timeout/retries of IBAT as well.

-- Hal

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