On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 11:16 -0400, James Lentini wrote:
> - in dat.h, create a public structure for each object type:
>   struct dat_ep {
>       struct dat_provider *provider;
>   };
> - in the transport provider (dapl.h) have a private structure that
>    contains the public one:
>    struct dapl_ep {
>       struct dat_ep   dat_ep;
>          ...
>    };
> Is that the sort of thing you were thinking of?

Yes, exactly.  Then you can create small inline functions that would
cast back and forth.

The other "issue" right now is that dapl has a header struct that needs
to come first in all the structs.  So, that would need to be changed.

> I'll do some research here and find out why the original mechanism was 
> chosen.



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