On 6/28/05, Roland Dreier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     James> First off, here [are the] requirement we are trying to satisfy:
>     James>    On the passive side of a connection, a InfiniBand kDAPL
>     James> provider must determine a source IB address for an
>     James> InfiniBand connection request.  This information can be
>     James> obtain by a kDAPL consumer either in the
>     James> DAT_CONNECTION_REQUEST_EVENT's dat_cr_arrival_event_data or
>     James> dat_cr_query()'s dat_cr_param structure.
>     James>    By interoperable, we mean that the solution must not
>     James> introduce a non-standard protocol or force ULPs using kDAPL
>     James> to perform special operations when using an InfiniBand
>     James> network.
> Since these two points are mutually contradictory -- the IB
> communication management protocol does not carry enough information
> for a connection request to be mapped uniquely back to a source
> address -- we need to figure out which one to drop.
> I would argue in favor of the solution selected by SDP: when defining
> the binding of an abstract protocol to the IB transport, put the
> source and destination IP addresses in the IB-specific connection
> setup messages.
>  - R.

The remote identification is a service being provided *to* the ULP.
SDP, or any other application, can provide whatever additional
information desired. The "IA Address" is as authenticated as
the local network management allows it to be. Private data 
exchanged by applications is outside the view of the network
administrator and therefore can never  be authenticated in 
the same way.

For NFSoRDMA, for example, "authenticating" a remote 
peer based upon an application supplied field in the private
data is obviously inappropriate.

The GID that InfiniBand does supply *does* fully qualify as
an IP Address, and can be the address supplied as the
"remote address" even *if* there are additional methods 
of translating IPv4 addresses to GIDs (or even IPv6, but
why you would want to *translate* an IPv6 address to
a GID rather than just using the GID *as* an IPv6
address is beyond me).

To clarify: DAT *does* fully support the use of GIDs as
IA Addresses, however it assumes that link local addresses
will not be presented to the Consumer (at least when the
host is attached to more than one subnet). It assumes
that they will be at least upgraded to site-local.

The IA Address can be easily sub-divided into IPv4
addresses that need translation, IPv6 addresses that
need translation and IPv6 addresses that are also GIDs
and therefore do not need translation.

The existence of the alternate solutions was largely
driven by the need to deploy early solutions that were
*not* integrated with the OS naming system, and therefore
could not assume that the OS already knew what to do
with a GID.

That is no longer a problem.

Therefore there is no need to change any of the DAT
semantics. They are adequate as they are, and in
particular there is no need to eliminate reporting
of remote peer addresses -- something that is both
easy and useful for IP networks. And a feature that
is already in use.
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