Title: RE: IBDM - IB DataModel build issues fixed - full version

> > > Why does the TOPSYSTEM need to be identified ? Is it just a way of
> > not
> > > having it as the first file in the system definition ?
[EZ] Actually the definition is required to be "declare before use ..."
> Can you elaborate a little on TOPSYSTEM ?
[EZ] TOPSYSTEM defines the section in the netlist where the "top level" of the system being described in the IBNL file is defined. The IBNL can define a system that is built out of arbitrary levels of hierarchy (of boards/subsystems etc). The top system is different as it allows definition of modifiable attributes for its sub systems:

    TOPSYSTEM { gIsTopSystem = 1; }
    system_names { ibnlMakeSystem(gSysNames); }
    NL sub_inst_attributes

    SYSTEM { gIsTopSystem = 0; }
    system_names { ibnlMakeSystem(gSysNames); } NL insts

> >
> > MT2400 mySwitch
> >    P1 -> Cougar H-1 P2
> >    P2 -> Cougar H-2 P1
> So this is the physical connectivity between external systems (and IBNL
> is the internal physical connectivity of a system). Correct ?
[EZ] Yes
> Is a simple topology file describing two Cougars (but you might use
> other HCA names of course) to a 24 port switch system named MT2400.
[EZ] Yes you can define whatever systems you like in the IBNL files.

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