At 06:14 AM 7/6/2005, Rimmer, Todd wrote:
I would like to clarify the comment on SRP.  There are companies presently shipping and demonstrating SRP native IB storage.  For example:
    Engenio (formerly LSI)
    Data Direct
SRP was designed for highly optimized storage access across an RDMA capable transport, and hence is capable of very high performance.
Longer term the storage vendors anticipate that iSCSI will be the focus for long haul (remote backup, etc) type solutions, while IB Native Storage and FC will be the focus for data center high performance storage solutions.

iSCSI within the data center is quite real for many applications especially blades where there is already an Ethernet interface.  The reason for iSER was to take advantage of the iSCSI ecosystem while providing a RDMA focused data mover.  SRP is primarily a data mover and does not define the rest of the management, etc. interfaces.  When used to move data to a FC, the FC infrastructure is leveraged but SRP by itself does nothing really in this regard.  No one stated that SRP could not deliver performance only that the rest of the infrastructure is not defined and must rely upon other standards / plug-ins / etc.  I do not want to get into a vision / marketing debate - was just explaining why we created iSER instead of just enhancing SRP.


Todd R.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Krause [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 12:28 PM
To: Ian Jiang;
Subject: Re: [openib-general] [iser]about the target

At 06:07 PM 7/4/2005, Ian Jiang wrote:
I am new to the iSER.
On "", it is said that iSER currently contains initiator only (no target). Will the target come out later? How did they test the iSER initiator without a iSER target?
Could you give some explaination?

From a practical perspective, there are very few iSCSI targets shipping today.  Most people had envisioned iSER over IB to a gateway Ethernet device since native IB storage is also quite rare in terms of real product.  For many of us, our push for iSER over IB was to replace SRP which has a deficient ecosystem thus not really used beyond some basic Fibre Channel gateway cards. 



Ian Jiang
Computer Architecture Laboratory
Institute of Computing Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zip code: 100080
Tel: +86-10-62564394(office)

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