On Sat, 2005-10-15 at 10:13, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> I would be interested to know what minimal set of the SMA needs to be 
> implemented. 

OK. Let me know when you would start to implement. I will document what
is needed before then.

> Does anyone have any SMA code in openib project yet?

PathScale has one but it is married to the PathScale hardware.
Look in ipath/src/linux-kernel/infiniband/hw/ipath/ib_ipath

>  If so 
> it might be a (theoretically) simple matter of running that code on the 
> Cray XD1 nodes, and having the cray hardware pass the SMA packets up to 
> the linux kernel.

It's more than that: in addition to the IB hardware/driver difference,
it will need to be ported from Linux to whatever Cray OS is.

> Is the SMA implemented in firmware on mellanox cards? 


> And if there's a 
> 'soft-sma'  available, could it be made to work on pathscale cards as well?

PathScale has an soft SMA for their HCAs already (for Linux at least).

-- Hal

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