Based on the discussions that have taken place so far, I believe that we're trying to define something more complex than what's needed. Here's what I think that we want:

At a minimum, we need an assigned service ID to identifies a TCP/IP connection service. For simplicity of the implementation, I would use an ID similar to that defined for SDP:

0x00 14 05 xx xx xx xx xx

I don't know that the SWG or IBTA needs to be involved defining the protocol beyond assigning the service ID.

The connection service can define service IDs as:

0x00 14 05 00 00 00 dst port

And a private data format for the CM REQ:

version(8) | reserved(8) | src port (16)
src ip (16)
dst ip (16)
user private data (56)          /* for version 1 */

Other private data would be left unchanged, though if we wanted to get more sophisticated, we could define REJ codes to indicate bad addresses/version/etc. Not surprisingly, this is exactly what's implemented in the CMA and working today.

On a related note, it would be convenient if SDP were changed to run over this protocol.

- Sean
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