> From: Hal Rosenstock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 1:11 PM
> As I said there is likely a real SA client that will be developed. In
> the short term, you can use some diag as an example but these are SMP
> rather than GMP based (except for perfquery). There is some SA
> infrastructure in place but I'm not sure how well it works. Would you be
> using RMPP too as little has exercised it to date ?

RMPP would be required for a query of all service registrations.

> There's sa_call and just an ib_path_query right now (in
> libibmad/src/sa.c). A service query could be easily added. RMPP is not
> supported yet at this level.
> > > What is the timeframe for this need ?
> >
> > I'm thinking of debugging tools that would be useful for me at SC05.
> I was planning on using ibis at SC05 if this was needed.

If there are Windows boxes on the same IB fabric, you could pretty easily write
a program to do the query for you.  Windows supports user-mode SA queries
including RMPP.

I don't know if this is practical for your SC05 needs.

- Fab

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