On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 01:57:06PM -0800, Michael Krause wrote:

> What you indicate above is that RDS 
> will implement a resync of the two sides of the association to determine 
> what has been successfully sent.

More accurate to say that it "could" implement that. I'm just
kibbutzing on someone else's proposal.

> This then implies that the reliability of the underlying
> interconnect isn't as critical per se as the end-to-end RDS protocol
> will assure that data is delivered to the RDS components in the face
> of hardware failures.  Correct?

Yes. That's the intent that I see in the proposal. The implementation
required to actually support this may not be what the proposers had in

This sort of message service, by the way, has a long history in
distributed computing.

-- greg

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