My concern is the requirement that RDS resync the structures in the face of failure
and know whether to re-transmit or will deal with duplicates.  Having pre-posted buffers
will help enable the resync to be accomplished but should not be equated to pre-post equals
one can deal with duplicates or will verify to prevent duplicates from occurring.

The semantics should be that barring an error the flow between any two
endpoints is reliable and ordered.
The difference versus a normal point-to-point definition of reliable is that
a) lack of a receive buffer is an error, b) the endpoint communicates
with many known remote peers (as opposed to one known remote
peer, or many unknown).
Having an API with those semantics, particularly as an upgrade in
semanitcs from SOCK_DGRAM while preserving SOCK_DGRAM
syntax, is something that I believe is of distinct value to many
cluster based applications. Further the API can be implemeneted
in an offload device (IB or IP) more efficiently than if it is simply
implemented on top of SOCK_STREAM sockets by the application.
Documenting and clarifying the semantics to make it's general applicability
clearer should definitely be done, however.
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