On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 09:46:06AM +0200, Eitan Zahavi wrote:
> Hi Hal,
> I would like to bring this to MgtWG before we change anything.
> IMO the situation when this happens is really not "legal" since if the
> SM's are not coordinated at least in their SM_Key it will cause the two
> masters on the subnet. 
> >From our experience it is always better to cause a fatal flow and exit
> the SM rather then report the event in some log - normally it will not
> be seen ...
> I know this is a controversial issue. 

Okay, so you're telling me you *WANT* behavior where a rogue node can
trivially cause the running subnet manager to exit and take over
management of the network?

Opensm needs to have a well documented config file, instead of 3 pages
of command line options, and different levels of logging. What to do in
the above situation is a site-local policy config decision, not something 
that should be hard-coded in the SM source code.

The logs might actually get looked at if there wasn't junk in the log
every time something timed out.

The linux kernel has 'WARN, NOTICE, and CRITICAL' level log messages.
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