It appears that dtest.c does not ever exercise the dat_cno_wait() or dat_evd_wait() calls. The "polling" flag is initialized to "1" at declaration time. Specifying "-p" on the command line will set "polling" to "1", but there is nothing that sets "polling" to "0". Therefore "polling" is always "1" and all of the dat_cno_wait() and dat_evd_wait() calls are skipped regardless if the consumer leaves off the "-p" or specifies "-c".

Initializing "polling" to "0" would fix the problem.

It appears that dat_evd_wait() was intended to be the default with polling or dat_cno_wait as optional methods invoked via command line arguments. However, with the current code, it appears that only polling is being exercised.

-- jimmy

Jimmy Hill

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