Hal Rosenstock wrote:
Hi Eitan,

On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 10:23, Eitan Zahavi wrote:


I had a long discussion today with Michael, Yael and Tziporet regarding
this issue.
We have got to the following conclusions/proposal:

1. As we use only GID[0] (that can not change) and a QP that is reserved
for the interface even if it is down we actually "never" change IPoIB
MAC (unless you download the module).

remove the module
Sure - pardon my English.

So unsolicited ARP reply is not a must. The MAC (which is GID,QP in IPoIB) is kept even if the LID changes.

2. When a new SM is brought up it optionally can send
ClientReRegistration which should cause the entire UD AV cache (and the
new SA Path Cache) to be flushed.

Would this be an SM requirement ?
This is an optional SM feature. So I can not "require" it.
Implementation of the "UnPath" event would suffice but will probably be 
"optional" too.
The entire UD AV cache includes both
unicast and multicast, right ?
Yes both require to be flushed.

3. When subnets are merged there is currently no way to tell if there
were any LID changes. The SM does not need to do any "Set(PortInfo)" on
a node if no change is required so the remote node (that did not change
LID) will not know about any such change. There are several solutions
for this problem. The one we believe should be promoted is the concept
of "UnPath" Notice:

UnPath will be needed for QoS too. It has been discussed in that context
as well.

a. In IB any class manager (SM) can generate Traps carrying a Notice
attribute. We propose a new Notice of trap number = YYY which will mean UnPath
   The notice will carry several fields of the path record as its
DataDetails field and also a component mask. (the DataDetails field is 432 bits long).
   So the following fields are to be included in the DataDetails:
   SLID, DLID, P_KEY, TCLASS, SL, compMask.
   The component mask will allow to wildcard the fields values such
   * an UnPath Notice including a component mask = 0 will UnPath all
   * an UnPath Notice including a component mask = 1 will UnPath all
paths from the LID = the SLID included in the Notice.

b. The IPoIB will have to register with the SA to receive these notices.

c. The SM needs to be smart with the way the notices are being built:
   The SM should be able to coalesce multiple change events to one
notice by using the wildcard (zero compmask) as appropriate for the case inspected by
the SM.

With this kind of coalescing the SM does not need to generate O(N^2)
Reports but only O(N) Reports. As you might guess any discovery and
setting of the fabric require O(N^2/32) just for LFTs setting

Or perhaps these are distributed on some MC group reserved for this
(unpath) ?
I would prefer to pay the price of sending O(N) packets and "know" they arrive.
Any node not responding to the Report with ReportRepress will get some "retries"
and if even that does not help we at least know about it. Using MC will
not provide this knowledge - even though we could use a scheme where we "retry" 
send multiple times. I consider this a secondary issue. I am glad we agree on 
overall concept.

s so our
problem of distributing these N reports is not so big.

My plan is to bring this UnPath Notice to the IBTA MgtWG for

Sounds good; (That's where this will need to be standardized.)
Just wanted to see if this will make sense on the OpenIB list first.

-- Hal



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