On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 17:59, Sean Hefty wrote:
> Hal Rosenstock wrote:
> >>>>Node A sends an RMPP message.  This requires normal RMPP processing.
> >>>>Node A sends an ACK of the final ACK (I'll call ACK2), giving a new 
> >>>>window.
> >>>>Node B receives ACKs.
> >>>>Node B sends the response.  This requires normal RMPP processing.
> >>>>
> >>>>From the perspective of node A, the RMPP code only needs to know to send 
> >>>>ACK2. 
> >>>
> >>>There's more to the state machine in turning the direction around in
> >>>terms of the sender becoming the receiver. I thought that this is the
> >>>"harder" direction change.
> >>
> >>Can you describe what more is needed that what's listed above?
> > 
> > I was referring to comparing the direction switch flows (Figure 181 p.
> > 791) requires more than switch to DS in Figure 179 p. 787).
> It's still not clear to me what's missing from the sequence.

Where did the "missing" come from ?

> Once node A sends ACK2, it should wait until either ACK1 is received again, 
> or the response is received.

There's also ABORT, STOP, and other handling too in that loop (figure

>   Upon receiving ACK1, it can resend ACK2.  


> I might not have mentioned 
> this before, but I would have ACK2 carry a window size of 1, 
> which lets us treat all received RMPP MADs the same.

I don't recall that being mentioned and yes, this sounds like a good

> >>In terms of compliance, if node A is not, but node B is;
> > 
> > Is = DS and not is not DS, right ?
> > 
> > Just out of curiosity, where's the compliance for this ? What are you
> > referring to here ?

Can you clarify your use of "compliance" here ?

Compliance has a certain spec connotation and I would have used a
slightly different term than this to indicate following the (RMPP)
protocol if that is what you mean.

> I mean that node A does not implement DS RMPP, but node B does.
> >>Node B cannot send back the response until ACK2 is received.  Since node A 
> >>does 
> >>not understand dual-sided RMPP, it will not send ACK2.  Node B will never 
> >>send 
> >>the response.
> > 
> > Correct. It would time out. But wouldn't it be better if the transaction
> > were aborted with some explicit status for this ?
> Are you asking for an explicit status indicating that ACK2 was not received?

I was referring to an explicit status if ACK2 is received and the node
does not support dual sided RMPP so the other end does not need to wait
the timeout (and retry, etc.) and can potentially indicate a different
error back to the user.

> I guess this could be added, but node B should not make any assumptions about 
> the 
> reason for the timeout, such as node A doesn't support DS RMPP.  If node A 
> doesn't support DS RMPP, I don't know that it should expect a MultiPathRecord 
> query to work.

I was referring to node B not supporting DS RMPP.

> >>If node A is, but node B is not:
> >>Node A will send ACK2, which node B should drop.
> > 
> > Yes, figure 179 for receiver termination flow (IsDS false direction)
> > shows that packet as discarded with an Abort (BadT) sent.
> If ACK2 matches with the received request, then wouldn't that transaction be 
> aborted?  

Where do you see that ?

> Does this mean that both nodes must either be DS RMPP compliant, or 
> non-compliant for communication to work?

You lost me on this.

> >>Node B will send an RMPP message assuming an initial window size of 1.  
> >>If node A had set the window 
> >>larger, it may delay the ACK of segment 1.  Node B will eventually timeout 
> >>and 
> >>resend segment 1.  Most likely, this will cause node A to ACK segment 1, 
> >>which 
> >>will update the window size at node B.
> > 
> > I'm not following you on this part.
> I'm just trying to determine what could happen if a non-compliant 
> implementation 
> tried talking to a compliant implementation.  And now I'm leaning towards 
> them 
> being unable to communication.

I think the non DS RMPP implementation is supposed to send an ABORT with

> >>>> It can do this based on the method, or per transaction if directed by 
> >>>> the client.
> >>>
> >>>Yes; I was thinking of class/method based approach for this.
> >>
> >>Currently, only a MultiPathRecord query requires this.  Why not limit 
> >>dual-sided 
> >>RMPP to _only_ this request?  
> > 
> > 
> > That would work for now. One future issue would be vendor class 2 needs
> > here.
> What I'm suggesting is that we limit "sender-initiated double-sided" RMPP 
> transfers to only MultiPathRecord.  Vendor class 2 would simply use two 
> "sender-initiated transfers".

I don't think that can work. If the request and response are RMPP'd, I
think a direction switch is needed so this can't be done.

> >>All other queries can just use an RMPP message one 
> >>direction, followed by an RMPP message in the other direction.
> > 
> > 
> > I don't understand what you mean here. That's not the way it works from
> > my understanding. If both the request and response are RMPP messages,
> > isn't this dual sided ?
> If it's a vendor defined MAD, can't we control the behavior and treat this as 
> two Sender-Initiated Transfers?  In, we have:
> It is also possible for a single transaction to involve an RMPP transfer sent
> in one direction followed by another RMPP transfer in the other direction... 
> This *may* be accomplished as follows:
> My interpretation is that we're not restricted to using this.

That section is entitled dual sided transfer and mentions GetMulti which
clearly uses DS RMPP so I don't think that is the case.

> > I think the issue is turning things around but I'm not positive. I was
> > wondering about this in a slightly different way: as to why the
> > direction switch ? My initial foray into this area was to do just what
> > you said: two single sided RMPP transfers in opposite direction. In my
> > simple test case, the request was short (1 MAD) but that could be
> > changed. I haven't figured out the reason for the turnaround ACK but I
> > know the people who architected this although most have left the group
> > and am quite confident that this wouldn't just be there if it weren't
> > needed. (I'll eat my words later if necessary :-)
> (rant)  IMO, the entire RMPP architecture is ridiculous.  Segmentation and 
> reassembly information is embedded in the middle of user data, with timeout 
> constraints that would take a half dozen queries to calculate.  So I'm not 
> confident that this is needed at all.
> The only benefit that I see is that the initial window size could be larger 
> than 
> 1, which has a potential to provide for better latency.  DS RMPP requires the 
> same number of MADs as two single sided RMPP transfers, so even the potential 
> gain seems fairly small.

I don't think the issue is gain but how to reverse the RMPP roles. When
you say 2 individual sender initiated transfers, would they have the
same transaction ID ?

> >>>>Node B is more complex.  It must now wait for ACK2, using timeout and 
> >>>>retries of 
> >>>>ACK1 until ACK2 is received.  And the response that will be generated by 
> >>>>the 
> >>>>client must be delayed until that ACK2 is received.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Yes but isn't much of this already needed for the normal termination
> >>>case or is that part not implemented yet ?
> >>
> >>No - ACK2 is a new message unique to dual-sided RMPP transfers (an ACK of 
> >>an ACK).
> > 
> > 
> > We're talking about Figure 179, right ? If so, most of that needs to be
> > there already down to the Type decision (without the ACK direction
> > implemented).
> > 
> > Yes, ACK2 is new but this doesn't seem like much to add. The delay of
> > the client response would also be "new" and that seems harder.
> I agree.  Adding in ACK2 shouldn't be that difficult, but does require 
> knowing 
> if a given transaction (class/method) uses DS RMPP.  The delay on the 
> send-side 
> is already there, in waiting for the response.  The timeout of the RMPP 
> context 
> on the receive side is where the difficulty lies, but I think we can avoid 
> this 
> difficulty simply by passing NWL up to the client, and having them return it 
> on 
> the response.
> If we want to support DS RMPP for more than just MultiPathRecord, it seems 
> that 
> we need some sort of class/method mapping,

maybe attribute ID as well.

>  which would require changing the kernel MAD API.

Yes unless this were somehow made self-identifying (part of the RMPP
protocol rather than an internal state variable).

-- Hal

> - Sean

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