The MVAPICH team is pleased to announce the availability of MVAPICH2
0.9.3-rc0 with the following new features:

 - Multi-threading support: This support is available for Gen2, VAPI
   and uDAPL transport interfaces. In addition, multi-threading
   support for TCP/IP interface (provided by MPICH2 stack) is also
 - Integrated with MPICH2 1.0.3 stack

 - Advanced AVL tree-based Resource-aware registration cache

 - Tuning and Optimization of various collective algorithms for a wide
   range of system sizes

 - Processor affinity for intra-node shared memory communication

More details on all features and supported platforms can be obtained
by visiting the project's web page -> Overview -> features.

Starting with this 0.9.3-rc0 release, the MVAPICH team is also pleased
to announce the availability of the MVAPICH2 code base through
anonymous SVN access. Nightly tarballs are also available. The
mvapich-commit mailing list can also be used by users, developers and
vendors to keep track of all commits happening to the SVN.

For downloading MVAPICH2 0.9.3-rc0 package and accessing the anonymous
SVN, please visit the following URL:

A stripped down version of this release is also available at the

Under the download page of the above URL, the latest testing results
of this rc0 version for different platforms and test suites are
shown. It also shows the rigorous testing procedures being used by the
team for MVAPICH and MVAPICH2 releases. As soon as the remaining tests
are done, we will make a formal release for MVAPICH2 0.9.3.

All feedbacks, including bug reports, hints for performance tuning,
patches and enhancements are welcome. Please post it to
mvapich-discuss mailing list.



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