SDP overhaul
49  OFED 1.0: MVAPICH won't compile on ppc64
51  OFED 1.0 rc4: SRP not available for RHEL4 U3
57  OFED 1.0 rc4: rdma_cm does not work for uDAPL
59  OFED 1.0: Open MPI not configured correctly to find shlibs
61  OFED 1.0 rc4: RDS does not load on RHEL4 U3
62  OFED 1.0 rc4: too many SRP patches, get this code checked in
64  OFED 1.0 rc4: Open MPI fails when host has more than one ...
74  OFED 1.0 rc4: Open MPI Pallas test hangs
Scott Weitzenkamp
SQA and Release Manager
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems
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