The MTU change undos the changes for bug 81, so I have reopened bug 81 (
With rc6, PCI-X osu_bw and osu_bibw performance is bad, and PCI-E osu_bibw performance is bad.  I've enclosed some performance data, look at rc4 vs rc5 vs rc6 for Cougar/Cheetah/LionMini.
Are there other benchmarks driving the changes in rc6 (and rc4)?
Scott Weitzenkamp
SQA and Release Manager
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems



·        Added mpi_alltoall fine tuning parameters

·        Added default configuration/documentation file $MPIHOME/etc/mvapich.conf

·        Added shell configuration files  $MPIHOME/etc/mvapich.csh , $MPIHOME/etc/mvapich.csh

·        Default MTU was changed back to 2K for InfiniHost III Ex and InfiniHost III Lx HCAs. For InfiniHost card recommended value is:

Attachment: mpi_perf.xls
Description: mpi_perf.xls

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