Steve Wise wrote:
> I guess this isn't surprising since rping doesn't work for you either.
> Something fundamental is screwed up on your user side methinks...
Ravinandan why don't you do one thing.  If you are running on an x86 platform, 
send me (private mail) the rping binary, and all the libraries (libibverbs, 
libamso, libibcm, librdmacm).

Pradipta Kumar.

> CM event 8 == RDMA_CM_EVENT_REJECTED which means either the server side
> wasn't listening on the appropriate TCP port, or the server process did
> an rdma_reject().  I'm guessing its the former...
> You could use tcpdmp and to see if the connection request is getting RST
> by the remote side.
> On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 11:20 -0700, Ravinandan Arakali wrote:
>> With the --cma option, I don't see the error about running SM.
>> But there's no connection established.
>> openfab2:/tmp/ib/src/userspace/perftest # ./rdma_lat --cma
>> pp_server_connect_cma starting server
>> openfab:/tmp/ib/src/userspace/perftest # ./rdma_lat --cma
>> pp_client_connect_cma starting client
>> pp_client_connect_cma/856 unexpected CM event 8
>> pp_client_connect_cma NOT connected!
>> pp_connect_cma(,18515) failed!
>> There are no messages in dmesg either.
>> Ravi
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Steve Wise [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:55 AM
>> To: Ravinandan Arakali
>> Subject: Re: [openib-general] ping problem with ammasso
>> cards(iWARPinterface)

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