Hal Rosenstock wrote:

> Not sure what question you are asking exactly.
> Is it what do those messages mean or the file getting large or both ?
   Both. The message looks like LID 5 is generating too many events. The 
log file grows few MBs a second. What ever the problem with the port it 
should not generate these many log messages. I guess it is a OpenSM bug.

> What options are you using on OpenSM startup ?
  root      7703  0.0  0.0 92784 1652 ?        Sl   05:00   0:01 
/usr/bin/opensm -g 0x005045014ac20001 -p 11 -s 10 -u -f /var/log/opensm.log

> Also, any chance you can move forward on a more recent and better 
> OpenSM ?
 It is difficult to use OpenSM from OFED 1.1. Because we need to do 
another QA verification cycle with our product.
But I can find the specific patch to the OpenSM I can apply that patch 
to the existing OpenSM.


> -- Hal

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