Hi Yevgeny,

On Wed, 2007-01-24 at 09:15, Yevgeny Kliteynik wrote:


> > I also have some questions about the patches 
> Shoot

First, as I understand it, this higher level QoS is not yet an approved
standard (annex) so is this code experimental ? In any case, some things
might change, etc. so IMO this QoS should be implemented in a way that
minimizes the risk to the non QoS code. I suspect the main interactions
are in osm_sa_path/multipath_record.c but will also extend to the QoS
manager. So should this all be conditionalized with something like
QOS_ANNEX and by default be off with some build switch to enable this
code in OpenSM until be becomes standard ?

When will the remainder of the changes to the QoS manager be ready ? It
would be good to see the whole picture. Are there any other missing
pieces ?

It would be good to have some documentation for this including an opensm
man page update.

As far as using lex/yacc, are they invoked as part of the build
procedure or are the files they generate just checked in and used ?

How could/would multiple file versions be supported ? One previous
example was a mention that port groups can be shared by more than one
manager (e.g. QoS and partitions) so this might be made hierarchical.
I'd like to understand this before we get locked in.

There are some other lower level questions which I'll get to later. I'll
also review the XML file format in detail later. 

-- Hal

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