> Michael,
> I put something together at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I did not
> get a chance to try it out, so let me know if it's working out for you.
> Keywords used in the e-mail format come from the bugmail_help.html
> included w/ Bugzilla (it is posted at
> http://www.openfabrics.org/docs/bugmail_help.html).  
> Michael

I just tried both and it worked flawlessly.
Thanks, very much!

Guiys, you should try the email gateway, it is amazing
especially for adding text to bugs: just put
[Bug XXX] in mail subject.

Michael, one small request: could the messages that bugzilla
generates have From field as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and not [EMAIL PROTECTED] as today?
This way I can add text to a bug just by replying to it.


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