> Ideas were presented around trying to construct an 'inter-subnet path record'
> that contained the following:
>    - Side A GRH.SGID = active side's Port GID
>    - Side A GRH.DGID = passive side's Port GID
>    - Side A LRH.SLID = any active side's port LID
>    - Side A LRH.DLID = A subnet router
>    - Side A LRH.SL   = SL to A subnet router
>    - Side B GRH.SGID = Side A GRH.DGID
>    - Side B GRH.DGID = Side A GRH.SGID
>    - Side B LRH.SLID = any passive side's port LID
>    - Side B LRH.DLID = B subnet router
>    - Side B LRH.SL   = SL to B subnet router

Until I can become convinced that the above isn't needed, I've been trying to 
brainstorm of ways to obtain this information.

0. Have the SA return pairs of PathRecords for inter-subnet queries.

But, since this simply punts the problem to the SA, my other thought is to 
define the following:

1. Inter-subnet PathRecord/MultiPathRecord Get/GetTable requests require both 
SGID and DGID, one of which must be subnet local to the processing SA.
2. PathRecord/MultiPathRecord Get/GetTable request fields are relative to
the subnet specified by the SGID.
3. PathRecord GetResp/GetTableResp response fields are relative to the
subnet local to the processing SA.
4. SAs are addressable by a well-known GID suffix.

I think this may allow establishing inter-subnet connections.  As an example of
its usage:

a. Active side issues a PathRecord query to the local SA with SGID=local,
b. SA responds with PathRecord(s).
c. Active side selects local PathRecord P1.
d. Active side issues a PathRecord query to the remote SA using PathRecord P1 to
format the request: SGID, DGID, SLID, DLID, TC, FL, SL, etc.
e. The remote SA responds with PathRecord(s).  The SA must ensure that packets 
injected into the internetwork using P1 will route to the returned records.
f. Active side selects remote PathRecord P2.
g. Active side validates that remote packets injected using P2 route to P1.

At this point, the active side should have path information that can be used to
configure the QPs for a connection.

Assuming that this will work, what I don't like about it is the validation at 
step g.  This adds a third query that I don't see a way to eliminate.  If the 
check fails, the client restarts at step c.

- Sean

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