On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 14:14, Dukle, Kapil (GE Healthcare) wrote:
> Hi,
> There is no manual page for ibping on the system. 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] man ibping
> No manual entry for ibping
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ibping -h
> Usage: ibping [-d(ebug) -e(rr_show) -v(erbose) -G(uid) -s smlid
> -V(ersion) -C ca_name -P ca_port -t(imeout) timeout_ms -c ping_count
> -f(lood) -o oui -S(erver)] <dest lid|guid>
> I will try using the "-S" option to start the server as Boris
> suggested.

What version of OFED are you running ? 1.0 ? 1.1 had them as does 1.2.
Attached is the latest man page but nothing has changed.

-- Hal

> Thanks,
> Kapil
> ______________________________________________________________________
> From: Boris Shpolyansky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:36 PM
> To: Dukle, Kapil (GE Healthcare); openib-general@openib.org
> Subject: RE: [openib-general] IB diagnostic tool : ibping
> Try 'man ibping' on the machine where you have OFED installed.
> Also 'ibping -h' will list all available flags (without explanation).
> Particularly for ibping command you need to start a Server first:
>     ibping -S
> and then to run the client side.
> Hope this helps.
> Boris Shpolyansky
> Sr. Member of Technical Staff
> Applications
> Mellanox Technologies Inc.
> 2900 Stender Way
> Santa Clara, CA 95054
> Tel.: (408) 916 0014
> Fax: (408) 970 3403
> Cell: (408) 834 9365
> www.mellanox.com
> ______________________________________________________________________
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dukle, Kapil
> (GE Healthcare)
> Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:23 AM
> To: openib-general@openib.org
> Subject: [openib-general] IB diagnostic tool : ibping
> Hi all,
> I came across a list of tools for displaying information IB nodes and
> testing connectivity/performance between nodes. (ex. ibping,
> ibstat..etc). 
> The list can be found here:
> https://wiki.openfabrics.org/tiki-index.php?page=Diagnostics
> Is there any link online to the manual pages for these commands? The
> link on the page points to a server that is no longer maintained.
> I'm trying to ping self using ibping and it fails without showing the
> reason. What could be the problem?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ibstat
> CA 'mthca0'
>         CA type: MT25208 (MT23108 compat mode)
>         Number of ports: 2
>         Firmware version: 4.7.400
>         Hardware version: a0
>         Node GUID: 0x0003ba00010027e4
>         System image GUID: 0x0003ba00010027e7
>         Port 1:
>                 State: Active
>                 Physical state: LinkUp
>                 Rate: 10
>                 Base lid: 2
>                 LMC: 0
>                 SM lid: 1
>                 Capability mask: 0x02510a68
>                 Port GUID: 0x0003ba00010027e5
>         Port 2:
>                 State: Down
>                 Physical state: Polling
>                 Rate: 10
>                 Base lid: 0
>                 LMC: 0
>                 SM lid: 0
>                 Capability mask: 0x02510a68
>                 Port GUID: 0x0003ba00010027e6
> Password: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ibping -v -G 0x0003ba00010027e5
> ibwarn: [6207] ibping: Ping..
> ibwarn: [6207] main: ibping to Lid 0x2 failed
> ibwarn: [6207] ibping: Ping..
> ibwarn: [6207] main: ibping to Lid 0x2 failed
> ibwarn: [6207] ibping: Ping..
> ibwarn: [6207] report: out due signal 2
> ______________________________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________
> openib-general mailing list
> openib-general@openib.org
> http://openib.org/mailman/listinfo/openib-general
> To unsubscribe, please visit http://openib.org/mailman/listinfo/openib-general
.TH IBPING 8 "August 11, 2006" "OpenIB" "OpenIB Diagnostics"

ibping \- ping an InfiniBand address

.B ibping
[\-d(ebug)] [\-e(rr_show)] [\-v(erbose)] [\-G(uid)] [\-C ca_name] [\-P ca_port] 
[\-s smlid] [\-t(imeout) timeout_ms] [\-V(ersion)] [\-c ping_count] [\-f(lood)] 
[\-o oui] [\-S(erver)] [\-h(elp)] <dest lid | guid>

ibping uses vendor mads to validate connectivity between IB nodes.
On exit, (IP) ping like output is show. ibping is run as client/server.
Default is to run as client. Note also that a default ping server is
implemented within the kernel.


stop after count packets
\fB\-f\fR, \fB\-\-flood\fR
flood destination: send packets back to back without delay
\fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-oui\fR
use specified OUI number to multiplex vendor mads
\fB\-S\fR, \fB\-\-Server\fR
start in server mode (do not return)


Most OpenIB diagnostics take the following common flags. The exact list of 
supported flags per utility can be found in the usage message and can be shown
using the util_name -h syntax.

# Debugging flags
\-d      raise the IB debugging level.
        May be used several times (-ddd or -d -d -d).
\-e      show send and receive errors (timeouts and others)
\-h      show the usage message
\-v      increase the application verbosity level.
        May be used several times (-vv or -v -v -v)
\-V      show the version info.

# Addressing flags
\-G      use GUID address argument. In most cases, it is the Port GUID.
\-s <smlid>      use 'smlid' as the target lid for SM/SA queries.

# Other common flags:
\-C <ca_name>    use the specified ca_name.
\-P <ca_port>    use the specified ca_port.
\-t <timeout_ms> override the default timeout for the solicited mads.

Multiple CA/Multiple Port Support

When no IB device or port is specified, the port to use is selected
by the following criteria:
1. the first port that is ACTIVE.
2. if not found, the first port that is UP (physical link up).

If a port and/or CA name is specified, the user request is  
attempted to be fulfilled, and will fail if it is not possible.

Hal Rosenstock
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