> I get this on both RHEL4 and SLES10 trying to run any programs over IB
> with MVAPICH2:
> $ /usr/local/ofed/mpi/gcc/mvapich2-0.9.8-3/bin/mpiexec -n 2
> `pwd`/osu_latency.x
> rank 0 in job 6  svbu-qa1850-1_35332   caused collective abort of all
> ranks
>   exit status of rank 0: killed by signal 9

It looks like you are using an older version of the SRPM:
mvapich2-0.9.8-3. This version had some shared library issues with the
ofed 1.2 build. The latest MVAPICH2 SRPM version is
mvapich2-0.9.8-4. Shaun posted the following e-mail on Feb 15th.

Please use this latest version and let us know whether the problem
still persists.




Steve Wise wrote:
> Shaun,
> Lemme know if you have an mvapich2 kit that I can test with iwarp...

Hi Steve. I've updated our SRPM:


The latest is mvapich2-0.9.8-4.src.rpm. This version should solve the
shared library linking issues. This can be built outside of the OFED 1.2
alpha1 release with the information in the README file or can replace
the previous SRPM in the OFED-1.2-alpha1/SRPMS/ directory. To use iWARP,
use the OFA build of the SRPM and set MV2_ENABLE_IWARP_MODE=1 in your
Shaun Rowland   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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