On Sun, 24 Oct 2010 14:27:53 +1100
taemun <tae...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Someone on Debian-testing has added rows for claws-mail and pgadmin3,
> and I'm going to have to remove them.
> The layout of that sheet is intentionally following that of
> distrowatch (Column A is of the form "abiword (2.8.6)", which Columns
> B & C are automatically updated from). The number of rows exactly
> matches the number in each of the pages, eg
> http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=openindiana (after you
> hit Refresh in the middle of the page).

Ooops, that was me. Sorry. I probably confused myself -- thinking it
was the spreadsheet that Kevin W. started. I just re-found Kevin's link
but when I visit it I see that it's the same list. So I guess the first
list was re-formatted.

Perhaps one could add rows of packages below the distrowatch formatted
list? Claws-mail isn't 'essential' but pgadmin3 would be important to
have imo.

> If people start adding rows which don't match this format, when we
> try to update automatically (ie, copy and paste columns) then it's
> all going to break.
> If we're going to start a wishlist (as I presume Mr Debian was
> trying), this should be on another sheet, or possibly in a Wiki page.
> Thoughts?

Fine by me, though I'd vote for another sheet vs a wiki page since one
needs a password to access the wiki.  (And I'm 'Ms Debian', not Mr,
fwiw. I'm currently spending most of my time on LMDE which uses the
Debian testing repo).

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