Christopher Chan <> writes:

> On Tuesday, November 09, 2010 07:16 AM, Harry Putnam wrote:
>> Can anyone point me to, or supply a brief step thru describing a known
>> to work method for setting up a static IP address.
>> One with complete steps that are current, as it appears from googling
>> around that there are several ways described and not all work on newer
>> opensolaris like b 134.
> ???

Is it really too hard to ask a question?  A series of question marks is
pretty meaningless.


>> Do we have a standard way to do this now?
> I don't know about standard but for static ips, I use the 'old way'
> and not nwam. Which is stuff ip-address into /etc/hostname.interface0,
> svcadm disable network:nwam; svcadm enable network:physical and edit
> /etc/resolv.conf and check for dns in /etc/nsswitch.conf for hosts.

Exactly what I hoped to avoid.

-------        ---------       ---=---       ---------      -------- 

DerSaidin <> writes:

> Hello,
> See:
> The other files you'll want to check (I'm unsure if these are essential)
> when setting up a NIC are:
> /etc/nsswitch.conf
> /etc/defaultrouter

I've seen various comments about that  /etc/nsswitch.conf
In my case it shows `files' first at every entry including `host'.
Apparently some where added by dhcp when that was used:

>From /etc/nsswitch.conf on opensolaris b 134
  #hosts:      files # Commented out by DHCP
  hosts: files dns # Added by DHCP
  #ipnodes:    files # Commented out by DHCP
  ipnodes: files dns # Added by DHCP

About /etc/defaultrouter.... I do not have that file.  I could of
course create it, but it seems to work without it.

  find /etc/ -iname '*router*'   <nada>

But the route is still set and shows up in `netstat -nr' So that one
(/etc/defaultrouter) may not be necessary (this is on opensolaris b

------- --------- ---=--- --------- --------

Thanks for the URL... yes, I found other input very similar and did that on an
opensolaris install successfully so hopefully it will also do the job
on openindiana b 147.... Haven't got to it yet.

However I will say that opensolaris b 134 does not have the same setup
at the network icon on upper left of desktop.  

oi b 147 has a different and better dialog far as I saw.  And it may
have actually done the job... it turned out that my virtual networking
was confused by having both vmware and vbox installed.... apparently
when I installed vbox (after vmware by a week or two) it took over the
vmware vmnet adaptors.... somewhat confusing... but ok now.

> NWAM does static IP nicely, just not all settings are entirely accessible by
> GUI (imo config files are simpler/nicer anyway).

Yes, give me files too.... but which are you referring to that are not
accessible?  Do you mean /etc/defaultrouter and /etc/nsswitch.conf?

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