So I can create a ZFS mirror on my local machine, or should I use one
of the instance-storage pre-existing AMIs and move to EBS?

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 14:09, Gary <> wrote:
> Here's a brief document I wrote with the assistance of the previously
> referenced PDF -- note that the command used do require having
> Amazon's EC2 and ELB management tools installed and in your path.
> Also, pfexec may be substituted for sudo, mount locations changed,
> different types/sizes of pools, etc. It's just a sample walkthrough...
> HOWTO create a ZFS mirror on OpenSolaris with Amazon Elastic Block Store 
> volumes
> set up your environment
> $ cat ~/.bash_profile
> if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
>        . ~/.bashrc
> fi
> PATH=/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/ec2/bin:/opt/ec2/sbin:/opt/elb/bin
> MANPATH=/usr/gnu/share/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/X11/share/man
> PAGER="/usr/bin/less -ins"
> AWS_ELB_HOME=/opt/elb
> EC2_HOME=/opt/ec2
> JAVA_HOME=/usr/java
> look at your instances, note their zone
> $ ec2-describe-instances
> RESERVATION     r-7ef60316      164967591565    default
> INSTANCE        i-86d861ee      ami-e56e8f8c
> domU-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.compute-1.internal       running gd      0
>       m1.small        2009-10-21T16:47:10+0000        us-east-1a
> aki-1783627e    ari-9d6889f4            monitoring-enabled
> RESERVATION     r-eb78b183      164967591565    default
> INSTANCE        i-7fce5417      ami-e56e8f8c
> ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.ec2.internal   running gd      0
> m1.small        2009-11-12T17:37:48+0000        us-east-1d
> aki-1783627e    ari-9d6889f4            monitoring-enabled
> check volume availability, note their zone
> $ ec2dvol -H
> VolumeId        Size    SnapshotId      AvailabilityZone        Status
>  CreateTime
> VOLUME  vol-d18c75b8    16              us-east-1d      available
>  2009-11-12T17:39:17+0000
> VOLUME  vol-19956c70    16              us-east-1a      available
>  2009-11-12T04:16:04+0000
> VOLUME  vol-d08c75b9    16              us-east-1d      available
>  2009-11-12T17:39:29+0000
> VOLUME  vol-dc8c75b5    16              us-east-1a      available
>  2009-11-12T17:38:45+0000
> create a script to attach volumes for the zone your instance resides in.
> $ more attach-vols
> #!/usr/bin/bash
> # usage: attach-vols instance-id starting-dev number-of-vols
> # instance to attach volume
> inst=$1
> # starting device number
> dev=$2
> # number of volumes to attach
> num=$3
> let count=0
> # get a list of available volumes
> for vol in `ec2-describe-volumes | egrep -i available | egrep -i
> us-east-1a | cut -f2`
> do
>    # attach the volume to the next device
>    echo "ec2-attach-volume -i $inst -d $dev $vol"
>    ec2-attach-volume -i $inst -d $dev $vol
>    # increment the device number
>    let dev=dev+1
>    let count=count+1
>    # if specified number have been attached then exit
>    if (( count == num ))
>    then
>        exit 0
>    fi
> done
> $ ./attach-vols i-86d861ee 2 3
> ec2-attach-volume -i i-86d861ee -d 2 vol-19956c70
> ATTACHMENT      vol-19956c70    i-86d861ee      2       attaching
>  2009-11-13T18:54:26+0000
> ec2-attach-volume -i i-86d861ee -d 3 vol-dc8c75b5
> ATTACHMENT      vol-dc8c75b5    i-86d861ee      3       attaching
>  2009-11-13T18:54:35+0000
> $ ec2-describe-volumes | egrep -i attached | cut -f2,3,4,5
> vol-19956c70    i-86d861ee      2       attached
> vol-dc8c75b5    i-86d861ee      3       attached
> find out what devices they've attached as (the first two are local EC2 
> volumes)
> then create a ZFS mirror, check its status and mount
> $ sudo format
> Password:
> Searching for disks...done
>       0. c7d0 <DEFAULT cyl 1274 alt 0 hd 255 sec 63>
>          /xpvd/x...@0
>       1. c7d1 <DEFAULT cyl 19464 alt 0 hd 255 sec 63>
>          /xpvd/x...@1
>       2. c7d2 <DEFAULT cyl 2088 alt 0 hd 255 sec 63>
>          /xpvd/x...@2
>       3. c7d3 <DEFAULT cyl 2088 alt 0 hd 255 sec 63>
>          /xpvd/x...@3
> Specify disk (enter its number): ^C
> $ sudo zpool create logs mirror c7d2 c7d3
> $ sudo zpool status
> Password:
>  pool: logs
>  state: ONLINE
>  scrub: none requested
> config:
>        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>        logs        ONLINE       0     0     0
>          mirror    ONLINE       0     0     0
>            c7d2    ONLINE       0     0     0
>            c7d3    ONLINE       0     0     0
> errors: No known data errors
>  pool: mnt
>  state: ONLINE
>  scrub: none requested
> config:
>        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>        mnt         ONLINE       0     0     0
>          c7d1p0    ONLINE       0     0     0
> errors: No known data errors
>  pool: rpool
>  state: ONLINE
>  scrub: none requested
> config:
>        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>        rpool       ONLINE       0     0     0
>          c7d0s0    ONLINE       0     0     0
> errors: No known data errors
> $ df -k
> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> rpool/ROOT/opensolaris
>                       8319892   3728123   4591770  45% /
> swap                   2093032       276   2092756   1% /etc/svc/volatile
> /usr/lib/libc/
>                       8319892   3728123   4591770  45% /lib/
> swap                   2092792        36   2092756   1% /tmp
> swap                   2092784        28   2092756   1% /var/run
> rpool/export           4591791        21   4591770   1% /export
> rpool/export/home      4591789        19   4591770   1% /export/home
> rpool                  4591848        79   4591770   1% /rpool
> mnt                  153796557        19 153796538   1% /mnt
> logs                  16385997        19  16385978   1% /logs
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