* Nikola M. <minik...@gmail.com> [2010-12-20 13:59]:
> On 12/18/10 12:36 AM, Jon Tibble wrote:
> >Project OpenIndiana is pleased to announce the next development
> >release, oi_148, is available.
> Hi, thanks for work and some questions:
> 1.Update from Media to newer OI:
> Can one update current oi_147 installation using downloaded oi_148.iso
> Live DVD image?

No, you have to use a repository to update.

> 2. Fresh install of new BE of OI on existing zpool:
> Is there a manual how to install fresh copy of OpenIndiana 148 in the
> new Boot Environment, like fresh install on existing root zpool?
> I would like to have a fresh start OI, beside previous BEs and
> programs/installs

At least the installer is not capable of handling this. Why do
you want to do that anyway?

> 3. Dev /update publisher for Program and system updates:
> How program updates (like Firefox, Thunderbird, security updates of
> other packages) will be handled at a later time (We need to have IPS dev
> /update publisher for this)

We are still far away from a stable release and have not decided
how to handle updates, I suppose a separate /stable or /release
repo recieving updates would do.

> 4. Illumos OS/Net integration:
> If I install OI_148 and then compile Illumos OS/Net and use it that way,
> will everything work fine?
> E.G. What would be best/major steps for users in doing testing and
> contributing to Illumos integration in OpenIndiana?

Since I am not working in this area I leave that for others to
comment on. One major issue with the transition to Illumos is
that we need to get the adapt the G11n to Illumos, so far it is
quite broken and does not even build on OpenSolaris/current

> BTW, I could not do GUI log in into 148 after update from 147, since
> X freezes the next moment (bug is there since snv_132 and it seems
> that I am unable to use it anymore on Dell Latitude D620 Nbook.

Please report a bug to
http://www.illumos.org/projects/openindiana/issues with more
details (exact hardware, logs etc.)

> Not to mention that Suspend to ram worked on Illumos ON months ago
> and it still does not on OpenIndiana.
> Also VirtualBox internal networking does not work for me on

Please report that to the VirtualBox project, see

> OpenIndiana AND USB support is not activating since closed source
> .pkg package of Virtualbox is not recognizing oi_ but expects snv_
> version of the OS. Any workarounds?

There is a fix for the version detection in the VirtualBox repo,
http://www.virtualbox.org/changeset/33039 You could apply this to
the postinstall script before installing the package.

> Also How to update FF/TB, etc, before new /dev OI release?

You could try installing the contributed builds listed on
Please note that we do not support this, any issues should be
reported to desktop-disc...@opensolaris.org

> Should we not have some kind of service publisher for dev releases?

What do you mean by that?

> When first dev release with Illumos bits will be there?

The next dev release will have Oracle ON replaced with Illumos,
it will be released when it's ready.

Guido Berhoerster

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