Am 17.01.11 13:01, schrieb Michelle Knight:
> Good suggestions, but now I've got both backup pools in trouble :-)
> I've also got another issue. Because they're degraded, I can't import them, 
> which means I can't destroy them, either.
> I can import by ID number, but I can't destroy by ID number.
> A reboot didn't help, either.
> _______________________________________________
> OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
Dear Michelle...

please be so kind and try

zpool import

then please

zpool list
zpool status -v

please check also

 ls -alt /dev/zvol/rdsk/

and provide us with output. ;)

 ls -alt /dev/zvol/rdsk/*/*|awk '{print $11}'|sort|uniq -c|grep -v "^1"

You should get a numeric result about current zvols

Please check  zfs Cachefiles again..

strings /etc/zfs/*.cache |grep Mypoolname Mypoolname2

Thanks in Advance. :-)

If you would like to destroy your pools write a new label onto the Disk,
that should help.


with kind regards

 Bernd Helber

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