Hello fellow Readers.

I'm not sure if you're all aware of the Sun Explorer Tool.

It was a huge Shell Script used by Sun Support provided to Customers

The package itself was/is called SUNWexplo.

To provide proper Support for Open Indiana /Illumos , i would recommend
that we should use something comparable.

In case of searching for issues and problems in general it makes Life a
lot easier, especially if you look for bugs/misconfigurations (call it
what you wan)  on the system. ;)

Sun itself had also  a parser which checked, the Customers Explorer
Files and compared the outputs with patchlist/xrefs.

It was wonderfull to compare the systems issues and the patchlevel.

If Illumos/OpenIndiana and other Derivats would provide proper Support,
those kind of Infrastructure would be necessary.


with kind regards

 Bernd Helber

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