If there is interest in creating an HCL, I will get something setup on the wiki 
and maintain it.

It will however rely on community contribution. As a project we don't have the 
resources yet to test every possible bit of kit out there.....

For the time being please feel free to email me and I'll add it to the list. 
Something along the lines of.....

Notes/special instructions etc 



On 21 Jan 2011, at 11:53, Dave Koelmeyer <davekoelme...@me.com> wrote:

>>> I know it's early days, but what's the possibility of getting an HCL 
>>> (Hardware
>>> Compatibility List) page setup on the OI website? This would give community
>>> members a chance to provide information on what works and what does not, and
>>> perhaps share experiences on how to fix/tune certain components specific to 
>>> that
>>> hardware.
>>> With Openindianna moving away from the original Opensolaris code base 
>>> sooner or
>>> later the original HCL will start to become out of date. While I don't 
>>> expect OI
>>> to maintain a list of 'certified hardware' (yet) if the distribution is 
>>> going to
>>> penetrate production environments such a site would prove useful, rather 
>>> than
>>> the suck it and see approach at the moment. Might also take some of the 
>>> load off
>>> the bug submission etc.
>>> For information, Opensolaris has been removed from the main Sun/Oracle 
>>> HCLpage
>>> (http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/hcl/) but is still accessiblehere
>>> (http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/hcl/data/os/).
> Anybody wanting to take Matthew's suggestion and run with it? I don't know 
> how to make this happen, perhaps a section on the Wiki or something, but 
> given recent discussion over storage adaptors etc this would be a very useful 
> resource.
> -- 
> Dave Koelmeyer
> http://davekoelmeyer.wordpress.com/
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