Hello People:

I need a new graphics card for an older system (PCIE-1.0). I don't game,
do graphics, rendering, etc. so don't need high end - just a good
workstation unit that supports OpenGL, good color accuracy, and draws
square squares :)  Occasional DVD's are probably about the most GPU
intensive use the system sees. Noisy fans and failed fan bearings are a
drag, so passive cooling is a plus, but not always a must as long as the
card doesn't make the box sound like a hovercraft.

So I thought I'd consult that newly created HCL wiki and was pleased to
note the Quadro 600 is "officially supported".  The Quadro 600's price
point is attractive but otherwise I don't know much about it, as it's
relatively new unit. So I've a question for Mr. Mays; is the 600 your
daily driver, and if so, how do you like it?.

Also, the nVidia 256.44 driver's support many, many cards, yet only 4
models are listed.  I'm curios why this might be?  Shouldn't pretty much
any of the cards supported by those drivers work?  Or is this list just
a sample of stuff that's actually been tested by the OI community? 

I'm not very familiar with nVidia's line and welcome suggestions.  

Thanks bunches.

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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