Apparently Mailman trimmed xorg.log.  Sending again, sans the

Hello All You Happy People:)

Well, I finally tracked down a #00 Phillips screw driver so I could swap
out the factory low profile mount for a standard height on my new Quadro
600.  Unfortunately, oi loads only with vesa driver. Boo Hiss!!

Booting to console and forcing nvidia drivers in xorg.conf pukes up glx
initialization failures.  I uninstalled and reinstalled the nvidia
drivers, glx extensions, etc., but results were the same with both
simple xorg.conf specifying nvidia driver and Xorg -configure generated
xorg.conf.  See attached log and xorg.conf's.  

nvidia's website and marketing stuff conveniently omits anything about
supported cpu's, but the actual packaging stipulates processor

*Intel Core i5, i7 or Xeon processor or later
* AMD Phenom or Opteron class processor or later

The system is Tyan S2865 based, sporting any Opteron 180, & 4GB ECC,

Ideas?  Thanks in advance.

Ken Gunderson <>
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