feel free to create these script and store them in a folder called
"/usr/myreboots" you can then add this to your path:

init 6

init 5


On 28 March 2011 16:45, Kevin J. Woolley <k...@javabunny.net> wrote:
> On 28 March 2011 08:24, Jonathan Adams <t12nsloo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1) "the more progressive amongst us do" I take exception to this
>> statement ... some of the GNU commands are broken on Solaris, and
>> secure accounts should have as little in it's path (if you use root or
>> any secure account) as possible so that you can be _sure_ of which app
>> you are using.
> Surely you expect that people who are interested in using an
> alternative version of a command are capable of maintaining their PATH
> so they know exactly which tool they're using.
>> 2) "reboot" does what it says on the tin, "shutdown" works as would be
>> expected (you can use shutdown to run many different types of
>> shutdown/init) ...
>> Please do not change these to make them more like Linux, please do not
>> change the init levels to make them match Linux, IMO the Linux init
>> states are broken.
> I don't remember anyone suggesting changing the initlevels.
>> If you're using a server then expect to know some of the commands for
>> running the server. If you're using the desktop there is a nice
>> graphical "Shutdown" routine. If you're in front of the hardware and
>> you want to power down (and it's an ATX case) press the power button
>> once.
> You've never seen a Linux server before?  Strange -- they seem to be
> all over the place.
> Simply put, no one is going to force you to use it.  It's not going to
> cause the system to explode, and it's unlikely an untrusted local user
> is going to be able to root a system with it, or anything similarly
> catastrophic.
> http://bikeshed.com/
> Cheers,
> kjw
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