Hi Ben,

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 09:39, Ben Taylor <bentaylor.sol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> just installed oi148 on my old AthlonXP 2600 with 1GB of ram.
> Had to put -B cpuid_features_edx_exclude='0x4000'
> on the initial boot, as I used to do when it was running Solaris 10.
> Three times in the last day, the system has hard hung while pulling
> a git tree from gitorious.org.

you don't define "hang" - was it pingable (the usual "dead" vs "very,
very busy" test)? from your prstat output I'd guess "yes", but it's
only a guess :-)
tell us a little more about what you've tried/done so far to find out
what's going on.

> I managed to trap a prstat of the last minutes of uptime:
>   988 bent      102M   94M run      0    0   0:08:20  96% git-index-pack/1
>   638 root       25M   13M sleep   59    0   0:00:29 0.9% fmd/27
>     5 root        0K    0K sleep   99  -20   0:00:10 0.3% zpool-rpool/136
>   766 gdm        95M   28M sleep   59    0   0:00:08 0.2% gdm-simple-gree/1
>   698 root      189M   67M sleep   59    0   0:00:07 0.1% Xorg/3
>   987 root     3656K 3148K cpu0    59    0   0:00:00 0.1% prstat/1
>   531 root       11M 4052K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% nscd/28
>   547 root     8396K 1968K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% automountd/4
>    75 root       14M 7916K sleep   59    0   0:00:02 0.0% nwamd/11
>    42 netcfg   4716K 3560K sleep   59    0   0:00:01 0.0% netcfgd/5
>   783 bent       13M 4736K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
>    45 root     3032K 1992K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% dlmgmtd/4
>   921 bent       13M 4720K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
>   764 gdm        87M   18M sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-power-man/1
> Ideas?  this system was pretty much rock solid for years.
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regards/mit freundlichen Grüssen
Michael Schuster

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