> From: Alan Coopersmith [mailto:alan.coopersm...@oracle.com]
> While I'm fairly sure Oracle disagrees with Mr. Harvey's claim that it's
> not considered production worthy, 

Here's what I meant when I said that:
The current production release is still Solaris 10, which does not include
dedup yet.  If you want dedup from oracle, it's only available in Solaris 11
Express.  The subjective label 'production worthy' is a relative and
personal value assessment for any given individual in any given specific
situation.  But the name "Express" implies that it's not fully baked.

So I'm sure you'll hear conflicting reports, from different oracle
employees, and different users and admins, assessing the value of the term
"production worthy."  My personal assessment is "not yet."

There is no consensus yet.  Some will say yes, some will say no.  I say no.

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