Setup:  b 133 (opensolaris) on older athlon +3400 as home lan zfs server 
        No commercial operations, home use only.
        Current hardware is dying and partially dead now.
I've laid zfs down for a good number of months.  Not on purpose so
much as just too busy with life.  Consequently I've forgotten a good
bit of what little knowledge I was beginning to accumulate.

I don't run the server because it will only run 10-15 minutes and then
quietly shuts itself off... no logs... and seemingly no evidence of
anything wrong... aside from not running, that is.

I've decided to replace and upgrade rather than get bogged down with
fixing.  My skill level is pathetic... and it would be a big job for

However, I do have a few hundred GB of data I'd rather not just lose.

My plan is that once I get another machine finished and ready, I'd
like to be able to just connect the disks on the old setup into the
new hardware and start where I left off.

I hoped someone might be willing to layout a brief step by step about
how to do that.

I'm thinking if I fire up the old hardware and export the 3 zpools
(That is including rpool which contrary to good practice also has some
of the data I want to keep); then when I install the new OS on new
hardware, slurp it up with an import.

All my existing zpools are setup as mirrored disc pairs. .. if that

I guess the first question I have is wondering if I rename rpool on
the import, if I could then just chuck the old os stuff and continue
on like it was never an rpool?

Would I need to do anything about the MBR sector on both discs of that
old rpool mirrored pair?

I guess what I mostly need is a little outline so I get things done in
the right order and not end up with a bunch of un-accessible data.

I've been tinkering with Openindiana b 148 with vbox and that is what
I expect to install on the new hardware.  So zpools would be exported
from opensolaris b 133 and imported on openindiana b 148.

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