On 01.06.11 23:42, Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:
Is it possible to replace the nvidia driver packages 256.44 by the 270.41
(from the NVIDIA site) in the openindiana.org IPS repository?

Yes and I am using 270.41.06 but you need to do something like the
following to install the new driver:

$ pfexec beadm list
$ pfexec beadm create oi-nvidia
$ pfexec beadm mount oi-nvidia /mnt
$ pfexec pkg -R /mnt uninstall -r driver/graphics/nvidia
$ pfexec /bin/sh NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-270.41.06.run --extract-only
$ cd NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-270.41.06
$ pfexec pkgadd -R /mnt -d . NVDAgraphics NVDAgraphicsr
$ pfexec bootadm update-archive -R /mnt
$ pfexec beadm unmount -f oi-nvidia
$ pfexec beadm activate oi-nvidia
$ pfexec reboot -p

Thank you, I'll try this.

Anyway, "pkg image-update" is much more right way :-)

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