On Wed, 2011-06-01 at 15:51 -0400, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
> Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:
> >  
> > http://blog.internetnews.com/skerner/2011/06/oracle-gives-openoffice-to-apa.html
> >
> > Of course the article is terrible and myopic since it assumes that the 
> > center of
> > the universe is Linux, which of course is the stupidest thing one can say.
> >   
> Unfortunately, in some ways, it is.  Like it or not :(

Unfortunately.  For example, I'd really like to be using OI, OS, or
whatever.  But reality is that Linux meets my needs on the desktop
workstation front _much_ better. So after much patience and testing of
oi-151b I've reluctantly had to admit that I need to go with Debian
until OI has come along a bit further.  Server side 151 release may yet
see some action though.

In any case, w.r.t. oo.org going to Apache, might this be thinly veiled
(and now relatively meaningless in real world since giving away oo.org
is akin to nothing in light of superior libreoffice) peace offering
following hostilities over other things?

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